The Van Zyl Family
The Nel Family
The Pretorius Family
Baard Family
Family Life
Woodlands Friends Shoot
Del Socorro Family - Marseille
Deulofeu Family - Cassis
Analog Session, Beautiful People, Destination Shoot, Family Portraits, Family Sessions, Fineart Photography, International Client, Natural Light, Portrait, Travel, FranceSchantel Van der MerweNatural Light Photography, Natural Light Photographer, International Clients, Cassis Photographer, Analog Photographer, Analog Session, France, Family Photographer France, Family Photographer Cassis, Destination Shoot, Destination Family Photographer
Heather & Carly
Analog Session, Destination Shoot, Family Portraits, International Client, PortraitSchantel Van der MerweDestination Shoot, Destination Photographer, Aix En Provence, Portrait Photography, Analog Session, Analog Photographer, France
Gaia Newborn session
Eloise Maternity
Analog Session, Family Portraits, Fineart Photography, Maternity, Natural Light, Natural Light Photography, PortraitSchantel Van der MerweEndicottFarm, Fineart Photography, Analog Photographer, Analog Session, Natural Light Photography, Maternity Session, Destination Photographer